Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Plans

J and I are leaving at the end of the week to celebrate Christmas with our families. One week with his, one with mine. Are we crazy? I've just about gotten all of my commissioned work done, just a couple more to go and we're set!

One of these days we're going to make them all come this way!

If I don't talk to everyone between now and Friday, I hope everyone has a Happy Christmas.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sleepless Nights

For the past few days, I've had trouble sleeping. Sometimes I think it's the upcoming holidays that is making me lose some shut eye.
We're supposed to be doing more Christmas decorating this weekend. We'll see if either one of us actually gets that ladder out and puts lights on the house! I know we're putting out tree up, and we both love doing that.

I've been busy with my art this week. That's always a good thing! It's hard to paint for other people's enjoyment instead of just my own. But, I still love it.

I'm determined to get some sleep! Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm so excited!

I'm very excited that I've gotten several commissions to do some portraits this month. It's been a little slow here lately. So the extra money coming in will be a nice thing to have. John has finished my studio and it's perfect! He's worked very hard at making it perfect for me. I'm blessed to have the support I have from him. He's my biggest fan. Lucky, lucky me!

Thanksgiving was wonderful! We spent time at his parents house and ate until we felt sick! It's fantastic getting together with family and friends. I just hate that we don't find time to do it more often than we do. At least with Christmas coming up, we'll have a good excuse to all be together again!